Wednesday, July 27, 2011

ATF Offers Apology to Mexico

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The ATF is apologizing to the people of Mexico for knowingly letting thousands of guns cross into their country illegally.

Yesterday, a congressional committee held a hearing on the ATF's controversial Fast and Furious operation. The operation allowed weapons to flow from the U.S. into Mexico with the goal of trying to track down drug cartel members. But agents lost track of the weapons.

Two guns from the program turned up at the scene where a U.S. Border Patrol agent was killed last year. The former head ATF agent in Mexico says he was kept in the dark about the program.

"I hope they understand it was kept secret from me and my colleagues. Unfortunately, as a result of this operation, it is the Mexican people who will continue to suffer the consequences of narco-related violence. I have no doubt as recent media reports have indicated that American citizens will also face more firearms-related violence as a result of this operation,” says Jose Wall, an ATF senior special agent in Tijuana, Mexico.

"What the persons who approved this debacle failed to realize is that the end does not justify the means. These firearms that are now in the hands of people who have no regard for human life pose a threat to all of us, a threat to which none of us is immune."

Investigators say the ATF allowed more than 2,000 weapons to be purchased illegally and transported in to Mexico.

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